Machine Start Report

Тема: Machine Start Report

Hello Everyone

we have a problem we used teltonika fmb125 in machine and we want to create a report for engine start how can we do that please guide if you have any ideas..

Thanking you


Machine Start Report

Re: Machine Start Report

There was a discussion in this about ignition off: https://forum.gurtam.com/viewtopic.php? … 25#p186725.


Machine Start Report

Re: Machine Start Report

I'm not a expert in this field,but the report  maybe count a boolean value when the   ignition  it's on and off,during a time and calculate a difference of value between them.The machine it's on,the report will count the time when the ignition it's on,wich could be the inverse procedment that was said in the topic.


Machine Start Report

Re: Machine Start Report

nowucsm, would you please explain your case in details? What you exactly looking for?


Machine Start Report

Re: Machine Start Report

hhamedk  Hello

We are using teltonika fmb125 device and we want report of  engine start and engine off only not for ignition what connection we do at the time of installation and and what configuration we do at time of device configuration ?


Machine Start Report

Re: Machine Start Report

nowucsm, generally Teltonika devices have an option in their configuration application called source of ignition (something like that). You can configure the way that device detect ignition. First you should decide how you want device to detect ignition, check possible options in configuration application, choose one and let us know what you have choosen. Based on that I'll try to help in how to configure, install and create necessary sensors in Wialon to get what you want from the report.