WialonLocal. Sending a message which the logs say "no GPS, IO data"

(06/06/2018 02:08:20 отредактировано rgamez)

Тема: WialonLocal. Sending a message which the logs say "no GPS, IO data"


I'm working with wialon local and I have a console that retrieves information from a webpage and send it through udp to our server.

The thing is that I can't seem to make it work. I configure everything right on the message I send but the server logs of the device reads:

     2018/06/05 22:27:01:339: GPRS MSG(Gosafe G91I): ID: 1232735717, IP: --------, MSG: TIME: 17:26:49, no GPS, IO data

I even copy the information of a message that worked and just changed the date and deviceid and still doesn't work. For example

Message that worked:

Message that doesn't work:

The device I'm using is a Gosafe G91I.

I hope some one from Gurtam can help me in this case.