problem with JOBs

Тема: problem with JOBs

Hello gurtam forum friends.

A client asked me, the engine hours raport to send to his email automatically for all his vehicles working at weekend.

I have made a job for automatically sending report, with the engine hour report tempelate but till now it didnt work.

Has anybody made this kind of job??
If yes can you describe step by step to see differences with mine.

Thanx in advance


problem with JOBs

Re: problem with JOBs


can you describe step by step to see differences with mine.

All steps of report sending job creation are mentioned here: Configuring Jobs, Send a Report by E-mail

I have made a job for automatically sending report, with the engine hour report tempelate but till now it didnt work.

The issue can be connected with report template settings, account settings, email sending configuration, etc. That is why it is hard to help you without further analyze.

Please, send request to support@gurtam.com with access (url, login, password) and names of the job, report template and units used in the job.

@ Oleg Zharkovsky
Customer Service / Quality Control and Training
"Timely is the best. But still better late than never."